As some workers come back to the office, we are beginning to experience some semblance of normality. We all want our employees to feel confident and comfortable that their return is managed appropriately and we remain aware of Covid good practice in the work place. The supply of drinking water could be integral to managing this process. Hydration is key to feeling our best, so let hydration help you be your best work self.
Working from Home?
We all know that when working from home, you can easily be distracted and the time slips by without a drink of any kind. We turn a tap, we reach for the fridge door, we look for a glass – the phone rings, the opportunity has gone!
At work we tend to hydrate at more regular intervals, but just why is that? The answer: it’s within reach, it’s obvious and it’s simple – chilled or hot at the touch of a button.
Reach for Hydration
Countrywise water coolers, plumbed in or bottled, have become a regular sight in offices across the country. As we start to work towards more face to face meetings, companies now recognise that a simple opportunity to drink chilled clean water is a great offer for visitors. In work place canteens, education settings and leisure facilities, water coolers are a welcome addition to help everyone hydrate quickly, easily and cleanly.
Struggling to Drink Sufficient Water?
It is said that a single cup of tea boiled in an average kettle costs up to 3p in energy plus the time your employee waits for it to boil. Avoid the kettle constantly boiling and all that wasted time. Install a hot water boiler with piping hot water available throughout the day. It’s hygienic and it avoids the need for extensive catering facilities. It’ll help too to keep those hydration levels up. If drinking a minimum of 1.5 litres of water a day strikes you as an uphill struggle, then why not consider hot drinks. Caffeine in a hot drink cancels out any hydration, in fact some people advise to accompany a strong coffee with a glass of water, but hot fruit teas, herbal infusions and decaffeinated teas and coffees can be a great alternative. There are many reasons to enjoy hot drinks and they can be just as refreshing as chilled water.
Interested to know more about easy opportunities to provide fresh chilled and piping hot water to your work place? Then visit and see what would work for you. Set an example, call us, be your best work-self and help others be theirs!