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Hull & Proud!

Posted On : 10/05/2022

We’ve proud to work with the Hull FC team – from the First Team, the Women’s team, to Reserves, and the Academy - we continue to enjoy our shared partnership. From backroom staff to the players on the field, their commitment to high standards fits with our ethos and whilst it might be too much to say we share a level of ‘true grit’ we do share a commitment to helping people be their best and healthiest selves. 

Our Best Selves! 

With Rugby League World Cups on show at a recent match (see photo: note with our ad perfectly placed!) we were reminded what a hard road it can be to achieve the pinnacle of such sports accolades.  Elite sports people are constantly watching their intake of food and fluids, knowing diet can play a major part in success. Whilst the general public may not need the minutiae of detail on their daily diet, we can all play our part in ensuring our bodies are at their own level of peak! Ensuring you drink the right amount of water each day, can help your brain function, keep your body moving and generally make you feel good. Water is like oil for a car – it’s a lubricant that keeps everything working smoothly. Who doesn’t want to feel better every day? 

Easy Peasy 

We’ve talked before in blogs about the optimal intake of water (per day approximately 1.5 litres for a women and 2 litres for men) but some people struggle to find the time to drink such an amount, especially those who don’t partake in regular rigorous exercise. As everyone who has ever struggled with a strict diet, you need to make it work for you. There is little point in making it a daily challenge outside of our own comfort zones. That never works.  If it doesn’t fit in your life naturally, there are small ways to ensure you drink sufficiently across the day.  Countrywise offers a brilliant option for water providers in a sports, office or educational set up, perfect for a range of needs.  It couldn’t be easier. We even provide bottles for those who are constantly on the go outside.  Small cupfuls of fresh water, or non-caffeinated hot drinks, are a brilliant way to keep your own engine working smoothly. Small amounts regularly will almost go unnoticed. Except, you’ll feel better for it! 

Hull FC are a case in point.  They choose Countrywise every time, at home and away fixtures, during training and at leisure. They are certainly at the pinnacle of their fitness and we’re more than delighted to play a very small part in their successes. We’re Hull & Proud for sure.