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Just a drop of kindness

Posted On : 13/07/2022

As members of the Water Dispensers and Hydration Association, we’re proud to support the charity Just a Drop and even more delighted to hear that a new borehole construction to bring safe, hygienic water to Machilika Village in Zambia is now underway.  This is the 6th borehole programme funded by the industry and will now mean that the 300 villagers can rely on a constant safe source of water without the need to walk up to 5km to fetch water, often unsanitary, during the dry season. A task that often took up to two hours can now take just 20 minutes. It’s a transformative opportunity for the Machilika community and whilst we only play a very small part in this initiative, we’re delighted to hear the news.  

The thought that children would ever play in, let alone drink, unsafe water is alien to us in the developed world. The water from the stream, often collected in unsanitary containers, can spread illness to children and adults. The new borehole enables the villagers to avoid disease by providing fresh safe water hand pumped from the depths to bring clean water to the surface for everyday use. The villagers will also benefit from training, including training in water safety and financial management, so they can ensure the borehole remains a positive legacy for the future.  

Worth a Thought 

There is no appropriate comparison with our supply of water to our customers, however, we can all appreciate the benefits of clean water.  It’s worth considering each day how often we reach for the tap, clean ourselves and our environment, pour a drink, boil a kettle and then water a garden. Water is a precious commodity, and to have it chilled and on tap whenever we want, is worth a thought. It’s worth remembering too those whose day includes a struggle to collect water. We’d like to think that our small part in improving the water supply to impoverished communities can focus the mind and ensure we are appreciative of all we have.  Just a Drop is a worthy charity which will continue to benefit from our industry’s support.  By supporting us, you provide support to Just a Drop.  If you’d like to make a donation, visit Just a Drop. Or read more about the WHA’s support of Just a Drop here