0800 0612193


Freephone: 0800 0612193 | Email: sales@countrywise.net

Our Staff

Diane Stow
Managing Director
Tel: 0800 0612193

Rebecca Farrow
General Operations Director
Tel: 0800 0612193

Chris Judson
Operations Manager
For orders in Lincolnshire
Tel:01482 358925

Linda Quest
For orders in Yorkshire, Notts and Derbyshire
T:01482 358922

Julie Dodsworth
For orders in Hull, Beverley and the West Hull villages
T:01482 358921

Carol Dunn
For orders in Hull, Beverley and the West Hull villages
T:01482 358921

Chris Beadle
Tel:01482 358924

Jim Rumsby
Installation Technician

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