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Water Hydration Association (WHA)


The WHA is a trade association whose mission is to ensure that its members offer the highest standards of quality, safety and hygiene to the consumer together with an unimpeachable product and service. The WHA funds ongoing technical and microbiological research related to water coolers and bottled water. It organises job-specific training courses for its members, whose staff must pass these as a requirement for each WHA member's yearly audit.

For continued membership and accreditation, members must adhere to strict Bylaws, Codes of Practice and the Code of Advertising and Conduct and are audited for compliance annually by 3rd party inspection organisations.
The WHA has close and ongoing relationships with key national and local government departments and agencies including the FSA, the Environment Agency, Trading Standards and Environmental Health Departments.

Why Choose a WHA Member?
Accredited Members of the WHA provide a guarantee of: